Thermal Scanning

Thermal Scans

POLAIR's Smart Solution for Homeowners and Business Owners who want to protect their properties

What is a Thermal Scan?

A thermal scan is completed using a special thermal scanner that will help determine if there are any insulation or energy leaks within your home or office that cannot be seen in a visual inspection. Thermal scanners are tools used by sophisticated professionals to improve their clients’ property by detecting possible issues. But what exactly does the technology do? Thermal imaging or scanning will help pinpoint problems and allow you to troubleshoot these issues in your home or office.

A thermal scan is completed using a special thermal scanner that will help determine if there are any insulation or energy leaks within your home or office that cannot be seen in a visual inspection. Thermal scanners are tools used by sophisticated professionals to improve their clients’ property by detecting possible issues. But what exactly does the technology do? Thermal imaging or scanning will help pinpoint problems and allow you to troubleshoot these issues in your home or office.

Issues a Thermal Scan Can Identify


Insulation Issues

Leaky Duct Work

Temperature Differences

Why Have a Thermal Scan Done?

POLAIR will perform a thermal scan of your space to identify temperature variations. Such differences indicate possible energy leaks and or moisture condensation issues from faulty insulation. This process no longer requires the expensive exploratory opening of walls in the space to determine faults.

POLAIR will perform a thermal scan of your space to identify temperature variations. Such differences indicate possible energy leaks and or moisture condensation issues from faulty insulation. This process no longer requires the expensive exploratory opening of walls in the space to determine faults.

Have You Asked Yourself These Questions?

  • Are my ducts tight or leaky?
  • Do I have the proper insulation in my walls, door, windows?
  • Do I have any moisture issues which can lead to bacterial growth?
  • Do I have an electrical hot spot?
  • Am I losing cold air?

According to, leaky ducts can be a significant source of energy loss in your home, especially if ducts are located in the attic or crawlspace where conditioned air leaks to the outside.

Call Us to Get Your Thermal Scan Today

Read More About Thermal Scanning & Duct Work

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Want to Learn More about Ventilation Systems?

Ventilation rеfеrѕ tо thе еxсhаngе оf clean аіr with unclean air іn a closed area. Recently, vеntіlаtіоn hаѕ rесеіvеd mоrе attention bесаuѕе, wіthоut рrореr vеntіlаtіоn, a home or building wіll bе full оf harmful роllutаntѕ.

We are experts in designing proper ventilation systems for residential and commercial properties including duct work installation, exhaust fans and kitchen hoods.