【商品説明】 Product DescriptionLarry Hagman, Patrick Duffy, Howard Keel, Barbara Bel Geddes. The landmark television series depicting the ongoing saga of the oil-rich Ewing clan which instantly grabbed viewers and stayed at or near the top of the ratings during its entire 14-year run. Enter a world of big bucks, big hats and big schemes in this collection of the three reunion movies: Dallas: The Early Years (1986/3 hrs.), Dallas: JR Returns (1996/120 min.), Dallas: The War of the Ewings (1998/120 min.) and Dallas Reunion: Return to Southfork (2004/120 min.), plus all 357 series episodes on 55 DVDs. 1978-2004/color/291 hrs., 6 min/NR/fullscreen.
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Dallas: Complete Seasons 1-14 [DVD]
Product DescriptionLarry Hagman, Patrick Duffy, Howard Keel, Barbara Bel Geddes. The landmark television series depicting the ongoing saga of the oil-rich Ewing clan which instantly grabbed viewers and stayed at or near the top of the ratings during its entire 14-year run. Enter a world of big bucks, big hats and big schemes in this collection of the three reunion movies: Dallas: The Early Years (1986/3 hrs.), Dallas: JR Returns (1996/120 min.), Dallas: The War of the Ewings (1998/120 min.) and Dallas Reunion: Return to Southfork (2004/120 min.), plus all 357 series episodes on 55 DVDs. 1978-2004/color/291 hrs., 6 min/NR/fullscreen.
(中古品)Dallas: Complete Seasons 1-14 [DVD]///Product DescriptionLarry Hagman, Patrick Duffy, Howard Keel, Barbara Bel Geddes. The landmark television series depicting the ongoing saga of the oil-rich Ewing clan which instantly grabbed viewers and stayed at or near the top of the ratings during its entire 14-year run. Enter a world of big bucks, big hats and big schemes in this collection of the three reunion movies: Dallas: The Early Years (1986/3 hrs.), Dallas: JR Returns (1996/120 min.), Dallas: The War of the Ewings (1998/120 min.) and Dallas Reunion: Return to Southfork (2004/120 min.), plus all 357 series episodes on 55 DVDs. 1978-2004/color/291 hrs., 6 min/NR/fullscreen.